We all face storms. A storm can come in many names, such as challenge, rejection, loss, lack, setback, layoff, sickness, difficulty, and so many more. The issue is not if a storm is coming your way. The issue is when the next storm will come. And an even bigger question for each of us to answer is: How will I face the storms that challenge my life? If we have a proper understanding of storms, we’ll face them correctly and come through them stronger than we were before the storm took place.

Jesus gives us a wonderful example to follow when it comes to storms. In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus and His disciples faced a life-threatening storm even as they obeyed the will of God. The disciples reacted to the challenge as many of us have, with fear and terror. They said to Jesus, “Do You not care that we are perishing?” But Jesus had a whole different response. He was sleeping! Regardless of what the winds and waves were doing around Him, Jesus’ faith in God enabled Him to calmly and peaceful face the storm.

We find a promise of comfort from God in Isaiah 26:3: “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Decide ahead of time that when the next life-storm hits your shores, you’ll keep your mind set on God, on God’s Word, and on God’s ways. For as you set your mind on Him, His perfect peace will overshadow any problem that comes your way. Why? Because you’re trusting Him to get you through the storm…and He will!