How many times throughout history has it been said, “Jesus died for your sins”?  How many times have you heard this in your own life?  We’ve probably all been informed of this fact over and over again, too many times to number.  Yet I wonder if we’ve even come close to grasping the reality of the price that was paid for us.

For the Son of God to leave the glory of eternity and come to earth as a human was a tremendous sacrifice in itself.  I believe one reason why God doesn’t give us much detail in the scriptures about heaven is because it’s impossible to explain.  The awesome magnificence of being in His presence is so far beyond words that trying to write it out would be an injustice.  Yet Jesus knew this glory.  He’d been with the Father from the beginning.  His indescribable sacrifice for us began the moment He chose to leave heaven and come to earth as a man.

The price Jesus paid for us then goes beyond coming to be with us.  The Bible tells us that as a man, He was ridiculed, mocked, insulted, and rejected.  On the way to the cross He was spit upon, beaten, scourged, and humiliated.  His hands and feet were nailed to the wood, and then He was lifted up naked for all to view.  We are told that by the time He hung on the cross, “His face was so disfigured He seemed hardly human, and from His appearance, one would scarcely know He was a man” (see Isaiah 52:14).  His body was so shredded and torn that it was difficult to tell if this mass of flesh before us was really a human being.

One of the most ignorant statements anyone can make is, “What has God ever done for me?”  The price Jesus paid for you is far beyond your understanding!  1 Corinthians 6:20 says that, because of the high price He paid, you are to live a live that is glorifying to Him.  I pray today you’ll remember the sacrifice your Savior made in your place, and this remembrance will cause your life to be lived in such a way that His sacrifice for you was not in vain.