Someone has said, “Show me a positive person and I’ll show you a thankful person!”  Thankfulness and gratitude are key ingredients to living life as God intended us to live it.  It’s so easy to allow our minds to be consumed with what we don’t like, what we wish we had, and what’s going wrong.  But with a little effort we can set our minds on the good things that are happening all around us.

In the Bible we are told over 65 times that we are to give thanks.  God knows what this type of attitude will do for us.  In the very midst of the challenges you’re facing today, make an on-purpose decision to think about things you’re thankful for.  If it’s difficult to do that, may I suggest you start with the input from Paul that he wrote to the church in 2 Corinthians 9:15: “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”  If you’re a believer in Jesus, even on your worst day you can remind yourself of the awesome relationship you have with God Almighty.